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US and British Virgin Islands

Best Times: December - May

The Caribbean elicits visions of pirates and buried treasure. The pristine, warm water and white sandy beaches create one of the most hospitable places on earth. Add consistent trade winds and you have the most popular sailing destination on the globe. The natural rhythm of nature generates soft music and friendly people. Bright colors abound. Leave your clocks at home. No one pays much attention to time here.


Best Times: April - November

Cruising the Mediterranean is an expedition through history. You may sit in a Croatian plaza atop stones laid by Romans; see a building constructed by the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and another by the Greeks, and a third by the Venetians, as you sip your morning coffee.
Arriving at ancient ports by yacht is an experience that is difficult to equal. For those who love a variety of cultures and people, the Mediterranean is the unrivaled cruising destination.

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Pacific Northwest

Best Times: June - September


We live and sail in this area and are intimately familiar with the islands.
Wildlife and spectacular scenery abound from the San Juan Islands to Southeast Alaska. The best seafood resides in these waters – salmon, halibut and oysters - the list goes on. Come join us and rediscover a more peaceful and simpler world.

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